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Practice, practice, practice .......Easy flow........Hips and legs, down dog, almost no planks.............
Easy flow..... Planks and warriors...Enjoy.........
Continuous balanced flow.......
Slow flow with planks, hip openers and backbends
Full body sequence with Bhramari breath during pigeon pose
Legs & twists with crescent pose, Virabhadrasana III / Warrior III and pigeon pose.....Enjoy.
You will need a rolled up towel for the beginning of this practice. Slow flow focusing on upper body strength with chest openers, planks and core strength
This practice builds strength and stamina. It begins with a gentle and easy flow, then leading into longer holds of warrior poses and Ardha Chandrsansana / Half-moon pose towards Pavritta Ardha Chandrasana / Revolved Half-moon pose
Hips and Breath. Slow flow hip opening sequence
Hips and Breath. Slow flow hip opening sequence
Flowing into Virabhadrasana III / Warrior III
Lunges and standing poses leading into Trikonasana / Triangle pose
Focus on Psoas. This practice is the antidote to sitting in chairs.
Please find a block to use.
Flow into Ardha Chandrasana, Half Moon Pose
Flowing through lunges.....
(optional to use a block)
Continuous flow focusing on lengthening Psoas and opening side body.With side planks, crescent, triangle and "wild thing".
Neck, wrists, shoulders, feet, Ardha Chandrasana / Half-moon pose, Natarajasana / Dancers pose and a sweet little bird in Savasana
We use a wall as prop
Please have a strap ready to use at the end.
Warriors leading into balance with Ardha Chandrasana / Half-moon Pose and Vrksasana / Treepose
Anjaneasana to Cresent pose, Prasarita Padottanasana to Trikonasana, Shalabasana to Dhanurasana
Lunges and twists into Trikonasana / Triangle pose and the option to bind Parsvakonasana / Sideangle pose
Focus on chest opening. Strap required for leg stretches towards end.
Feel the movement of the breath inside you and find the action of the poses through the breath. Radiate out in Trikonasana / Triangle pose
All-round full body flow. Enjoy !
Practice, practice, practice
Two blocks or books required. Core strength sequence. Focusing on extending from the lower belly.
Exploring ViraBhadrasana III / Warrior III, a standing balance named after the legendary warrior Vhira Bhadra. Focus on leg & core strength and stamina.
You will need a strap (or a belt or tie) for this practice.
For the beginning of this practice you will use a rolled up beach towel. Then focus on hips and legs.
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